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[디베이트 BMW Writing] 학교 Field Trip을 가야 할 것인가? | 관리자 / 2017.04.24 | |
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언어는 다양한 상황 속에서 다른 사람과 교류하면서 나를 표현하고, 서로 생각을 교환하고, 세상의 정보를 얻는 역할을 한다. 언어의 습득은 이 언어의 역할을 효과적으로 할 수 있는 능력을 키우는 것이다.
유석 학생(중 2)이 ‘학교에서 진행하는Field Trip을 가야 할 것인가?’ 라는 주제에 대해서 Field Trip이 학생들에게 주는 이득이 훨씬 크기에 꼭 가야 한다고 주장을 하는군요. 우선 교실에서 벗어나 더 많은 것들을 직접 체험하면서 배울 수 있고, 새로운 기회를 제공함으로써 더 좋은 학습 결과로 이어질 수 있다고 증거까지 제시를 합니다. 더불어 아무리 VR을 활용한 학습이 교실에서 가능해도 신체활동이나 직접 보고 듣고 느끼고 만져보는 Field Trip이 더 큰 기회와 혜택을 준다는 주장에서는 자신감이 느껴집니다.
유석과 같이 실생활에서 직접 부딪치는 문제에 대해서 단순히 나의 주장만 하는 것이 아니라 그에 대한 논거들을 조목조목 제시하는 훈련을 통해서 친구들과 생각을 교환하고 나의 생각을 더 깊게 함으로써, 영어를 목적이 아닌 좀 더 확실한 의사소통의 수단으로 배워나갈 수 있습니다. 함께 읽어 보시지요 ^^
School Field Trips are Great All of you would have very happy memories about the field trips, wouldn’t you? For me,I went school field trip to somewhere about nature and I could see, watch, hear, and feel lots of creatures and conditions of natures at there. I also didmany missions, and games with my friends and the memories at there were so fantastic! Also, I could know many benefits of school field trips. What are they? Do you curious about it? Then hear my every single tells carefully. I believe school field trips are the most efficient way for students’ school life because it allows students educated from many different and various learning style, be much closer to their friends and teachers, and learn better.Therefore, school field trips are the best way for students to learn outside ofthe classroom. School teachers, principals and other people must give students better chance to learn more! The first reason isschool field trips provide academic impacts to students. Students can see,touch, feel, and do something really in field trips that can’t do in the classroom. That means they can observe the objects better, can do experience really, and learn better. According to www.explorableplaces.com, an article names ‘The benefits of field trip’ said a recent research by EmilyRuble Whitesell showed that middle school students who went science field trip through the Urban Advantage Program scored better on the science test than students who didn’t went. But students are still able to use videos, pictures,and can use many technologies in the classroom and can see the plants, animals and objects even better than real. Students will see objects well with screen. The quality of class become better and better and sometimes it leads to special teacher bring things really in the classroom. Then we can just observe it. Moreover, if we observe things really, some of students will scared about some of them. It can cause some disease too. Also, the VR technologies are will be used in school in future, and students will learn with it. It will be very realistic and can go anywhere that we can’t go like underwater, moon, and other far or dangerous places. However, when we go field trip, we will understand objects better because we watch them really, and ask what we want to know to experts that cannot be found in the internet. Also, it can cure the trauma. For example you scared of chicken but once you touch it, you realize it is not evil and feel cute. Isn’t that cool? Moreover, even if we can’t see objects better than screen in the classroom, there will be screen that shows us objects better. We talked about VR, but according to essilorusa.com ‘Virtual Reality: Bad For the EyE?’ says most of VR customers are young children because VR is developing for game primary, and they will make young eyes bad. For instance, article says there are near sightedness, and digital eye strain. Also, VR images are false from machine, but go field trip and watch something is real. If we watch VR images long time, it will be very big stress to our eyes and even damage it! However,if we go field trip, there are no worries about hurting eye! Second, going school field trips give chance meet new experience While doing some experience that had never did in the class, students and people can recognize themselves their talents and can build dream. According to www.explorableplace.com, and livingstrong.com, article names ‘What are the benefits of field trips for children’ said students are able to learn in the various ways in school field trip than class study. Also, they said students who feeling hard and struggled with traditional studying methods are able to feel comfortand friendly. Moreover, students learn about different ideas, get opportunities while trips – spark new interests/learning. But while school experiments orclass, they will also find their talents. Imagine that you are sitting in the classroom comfort, watching screen that shows captain of a ship which is sailing the ocean. That will make some of you interest and pick captain of a ship as their dream job. Isn’t it very simple than school field trip? However,I’m sure that doing special things in field trip that can’t do in class will be better help than in-class learning. Let’s imagine that you are on the school field trip, on the ship. You are feeling fresh sea wind, sound of waves, smell the salty wind. You are sailing the ocean and you can go anywhere of the ship.When you went the room of captain, you saw the beautiful outside and nice environments you can get it to your dream job. I mean doing and watching is different perfectly. For third, going school field will lead students healthier. While learn, and play in the school field trips, students are always move which make your legs healthier, and playing always contains moving which can be exercise. According to www.oureverydaylife.com, an article names ‘How can field trips help a kid’s health?’ said school field trip gives health. It says studying in the desk, and playing online games make children unhealthy,but school field trips makes students moving with learning. It helps them exercise and decreases probability of getting disease. Also, it says it provides release stress because it never makes students study in the desk which makes them get stress. It gives moving a lot and gives breaks to their mental/body. Moreover,it provides clean environments to students. It says most of schools go fieldtrip which has good clean condition. But, going school field trip does not always provide students health. Even if school field trips provide lots of moving, move too much can cause tired and make them stressful. Even though studying in the desk is harder, it is more clear ways to do study with concentration.We can exercise in normal day, and it will make them much healthier! What if some of the students are allergic to something that is part of schedule or had to do? This does not provide any health! It even can harm students’ health.Also, we can move a lot in the school and even in home. Moreover, we can go somewhere that has clean environments with family in weekend. Go with family is better than go with friends. However, when schools plan the school field trip, they already know the information about students’ health because they do survey when students enter school. It means schools are care about students when they plan school field trip. For example, if some students have peanut allergy, they don’t plan to go peanut cookie factory. Some of students hate exercise, and don’t do it a lot but, when we go school field trips, they must move and it will be clear way to exercise. Also, it is hard to meet clean environment in this world because most of places are polluted and surrounded with bad air. So, we must go trip or use precious time to go that places. You know, your parents are very busy, and they don’t have time to go. But, if you go school field trip, you can meet wonderful conditions without using any extra time. Finally,to give students more various experience and education we need to let them enjoy school field trip. Not only for education, for relationship too. Going field trips will provide many advantages to students. They can get academic impacts, meet new experience, and protect students’ health by going on school field trips. I strongly believe that we must provide more opportunities about school field trips. It will make them learn more enjoyable, better, and friendly. School field trips are really necessary and really great! That is the fact!
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